Construct URL

Create URLs based on the different values in your table.

The Construct URL column lets you create a URL using custom and/or column values.

Adding and Configuring a Construct URL Column

Creating a Construct URL Column

  1. In the Data Editor, open the table you want to edit.

  2. Add a new column by clicking the plus (+) symbol to the right of the table

    • New columns added with the plus button will always appear on the right of the table. If you'd like to add a column somewhere else in your data, you can select the dropdown menu on an existing column and choose Add column right. You can also click and drag columns to rearrange them.

  3. Name the column.

  4. For Type, search for Construct URL or navigate to Computed → Construct URL.

  5. The Protocol defaults to https:// if you leave it blank, but you can change this to anything you like.

  6. For Host, enter a custom value or select a column from your data source that contains the domain or sub-domain for the URL.

  7. For Path, enter a custom value or select a column from your data source that contains the values for the rest of the URL.

  8. You can also include Query Parameters, which can be a custom value or a column from your data source that contains the values for query parameters.

For example, in the table below has a list of speakers at a conference and each of them has a column for their Twitter handle.

You can use the Construct URL column to create a unique URL for each of them. The table below contains as the hostname and the Twitter handle as the path. This creates a working link to their Twitter profile.

Constructing Twitter URLs from Twitter handles.

This is just one example of how to use the Construct URL column. There are many other ways you might want to use this column, some of which will require a small amount of knowledge of URL anatomy. To learn more, check out this guide.

Working with Query Parameters

Query Parameters, also known as URL parameters or query strings, add more elements to a URL for a variety of reasons. You can use query parameters to bring users to a specific location on a page, add passive tracking, or prompt some kind of behavior on the page.

Query parameters are formatted as key-value pairs with an equals sign in the middle. For example, this key value pair:

key: name

value: Jeremiah

Would appear in the URL like this:


Every new query parameter you add will be separated by a ? So the above example parameters added to a URL appear like this:

You can add as many query parameters to your URL as needed.

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Updated more than a week ago
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