Discord is an instant messaging and voice call platform similar to Slack or Microsoft Teams. With the Discord integration, you can send messages to channels in your Discord server from a Glide app.

Don't see the Discord integration?
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In Glide, click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner.
Click the Integrations tab and then select Discord.
Click the Add button.
Select which Discord server you would like to connect to.
Confirm which permissions you will give Glide. Select Authorize.
Send message to channel
The Send message to channel action can send a message to your Discord server. To use it, a Channel ID for the Discord channel where the message should be sent is required. You will also need to include message text, which you can enter manually as a custom value or pull from a column in your data.
Looking for the Channel ID?
The action can be added to a Component that supports Actions (e.g., a Button component), added to a workflow in the Workflow Editor, or after a Form is submitted.
To learn more generally about Integrations in Glide, including how they affect your app’s usage, check out our Introduction to Integrations.