Mixpanel is a business analytics platform. With the Mixpanel integration, you can track user behavior in your Glide app.
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In Glide, click the Settings menu.
Find the Integrations section and then select Mixpanel.
Click the Add to app button.
You will need your Mixpanel project’s Project token to track events.
You can find your Project token in your project settings.
Track custom event
The Track custom event action is used to send an analytics event to your Mixpanel project. After naming the event, you can add values to track in Mixpanel.
The action can be added to a Component that supports Actions (e.g., a Button component), added to a workflow in the Workflow Editor, or after a Form is submitted.
Analytics Events Only Work in Live Apps
Tracking custom events only works in live apps when triggered by a user. Note that when testing in the Glide builder, the action will not track data.
Click on the plus (+) sign in the Components panel to add a new component that supports actions, or select an existing component to add an action.
In the General tab on the right side of the Layout Editor, navigate to the Actions section and search for Track custom event or navigate to Integrations → Mixpanel → Track custom event.
Select the icon and title for your action.
Create an Event name.
Add the values you'd like to sent to Mixpanel.
Click away to save and exit the configuration.
To learn more generally about Integrations in Glide, including how they affect your app’s usage, check out our Introduction to Integrations.