Template Store Guidelines

Learn how to create good templates for the Glide Store.

How to create Glide templates that people will love

If you've got a great app, you can submit it to the Template Store for review. You can speed up the process by following these guidelines. Templates that don't meet these guidelines won't be approved, and you'll get them back so you can revise and resubmit them. Here’s a simple look at what your template should and should not do.

Templates should:

  • Have privacy setting set as Users in the users table.

  • Have user profiles set up.

  • Be built in English.

  • Be visually appealing.

  • Be self-sufficient, stand-alone apps.

  • Be predominantly designed for internal business use.

  • Use neatly organized Glide Tables (i.e. clear formatting, functions/formulas computed in Glide's Data Editor, grouped columns, etc.)

  • Avoid private or personally identifiable data and images (use fake names, stock photos, etc. to achieve this.)

  • Solve for a specific use case, and be really good at one thing (not mediocre at multiple things.)

  • Have a clear, complete description that includes the problem your template solves, its features, and its benefits to the end user. This will help more people discover your template via search engines.

  • Optional: Include a video that demonstrates the template’s features and explains its purpose. If you choose to do so, it must include a voiceover where someone explains the template—merely showing your template and moving your cursor over it is not enough.

Templates should not:

  • Contain private or personally identifiable information. For example, an Employee Directory template must not contain the real information of actual employees or people—it should contain fake or dummy data only.

  • Contain offensive, profane, obscene, libelous, or otherwise illegal content.

  • Contain any malicious or deceptive content.

  • Contain visibility conditions: To make it easier for users to discover the features and components of your template, we suggest you avoid using conditional visibility, particularly on entire screens.

  • Be a clone of an existing app or service. No clones of social networking or dating apps like Tinder, Facebook, or messaging apps.

  • Be merely lists or indexes of content. For example, a template that consists of a list of jokes will not be approved.

  • Rely on configuring third-party services or other additional functionality, whether free or paid, outside of Glide. In other words, your app should work immediately after someone copies it, with no additional setup required outside of Glide.

  • Use HTML/CSS embedded within Rich Text components to inject styles or special functionality in the app that Glide doesn't normally support.

  • Contain advanced actions (multi-step actions) or integrations, which templates don't support.

  • Use the Experimental Code column.

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Updated more than a week ago
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