
Display properties in dynamic ways.

Title components allow you to display data in different visual ways for your users.

Adding and Setting Up a Title Component

  1. In the Layout Editor, select the tab you want to edit.

  2. Click on the plus (+) symbol in the Components panel.

  3. Find Title in the menu and select the style you'd like to use. You can change this style choice if you change your mind.

  4. When displaying data, you can choose from a TitleSubtitleImage, and Emphasis. You can write Custom Values or select columns from your Data Source.

Customizing Title Components

Depending on which style you choose, you'll have different options for customization. You can apply settings to the SizeImage Style, or Header Image. These three options will have an effect on the text size, the image you select, or the component's background.


Select Small, Medium, Large, or X-Large text size.

Image Style

Images can be a square/rectangle with rounded corners or a circle.

If you select a header image, you can choose an image from your data source, upload an image, or provide a URL for an image hosted online.

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Updated more than a week ago
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