Introduction to Workflows

Create complex automations with a variety of triggers.

Workflows run automations in apps with a variety of different triggers. App Interaction workflows are triggered by a user doing something in the app, such as pressing a button or checking a box. Schedule workflows happen on the backend of the app automatically on a schedule, without users needing to do anything. Email workflows are triggered when an email is received to a specific address. Webhook workflows are triggered by a POST request from outside of Glide.

A Workflow can contain one action, a sequence of custom actions, action loops with conditions, and more. To get started, open the Workflow Editor at the top of the screen in the Glide builder.

Because Workflows are designed to look through an entire table or data set, or we recommend testing them on a smaller set of test data before enabling them in your app.

The Workflow Editor

Glide’s Workflow Editor is where you can create different types of custom Workflows. When you select the button to create a new workflow, you will first have to choose the trigger: by user interaction with a component on a screen, or automatically on a schedule you create.

Once you’ve created some different Workflows, you will be able to access and review them from the left-hand panel. App interaction workflows are denoted with a circular interaction symbol, Schedule Workflows are denoted by a clock, Webhook workflows have a globe, and Email workflows have a mail symbol. You can search through existing actions and workflows by name to pull up a specific item.

What you see on the right-hand side will be different depending on which types of workflow you’re viewing.

App Interaction Workflows

To create a new workflow triggered by user interaction in an app, select App interaction as the trigger. Glide will prompt you to choose a data source table—this is the table that will be altered when users engage with the workflow. Click the default step to change it and configure a new action step.

Viewing Details of App Interaction Workflows

If reviewing an App Interaction Workflow, in the right-hand panel of the Workflow Editor you will see:

  • The data source for that action

  • Everywhere that action is used in the app

  • Run history for the action

  • Data sent when the action ran

  • Error message if the action did not run successfully

Clicking on any of the specific items in the history list will open that entry and show details about the run. Clicking the curly brackets {} will display the data sent when the action ran.

Schedule Workflows

To create a Schedule Workflow, select Schedule as the trigger. By default, this will generate a new workflow that runs every day at 9 AM in your time zone. The default Workflow will consist of one loop with a limit of 10. Any of these defaults can be changed to fit your needs. Workflows cannot currently be run more than every 5 minutes. Click a default step to change it and configure a new step.

Viewing Details of Schedule Workflows

If reviewing a Schedule Workflow, in the right-hand panel of the Workflow Editor you will see:

  • How many updates each run uses, if successful

  • The schedule set for that workflow

  • When the workflow will next run

  • A switch indicating if the workflow is enabled or disabled

  • The run history for that workflow

  • An error message if the action did not run successfully

Clicking on any of the specific items in the history list will open that entry and show details about the run. Clicking the curly brackets {} will display the data sent when the workflow ran.

Email Workflows

To create an Email Workflow, select Email as the trigger. An email address will be generated in the right-hand panel. Copy the address and send an email to it to start the workflow.

Viewing Details of Email Workflows

You can review the details of email triggered workflows in the right-hand panel of the Workflow Editor. When you select a workflow, you will see:

  • How many updates each trigger uses

  • The URL for the email to be sent to

  • a switch to enable or disable the workflow

  • The run history for that workflow

  • An error message if a step did not run successfully

Clicking on any of the specific items in the history list will open that entry and show details about the run. Clicking the curly brackets {} will display the data sent when the workflow ran.

Webhook Workflows

Workflows can be triggered by a POST request from outside of Glide. When you create a workflow with a Webhook trigger, the workflow will have a unique URL to send webhook events from other tools and services into Glide.

Viewing Details of Webhook Workflows

You can review the details of Webhook triggered workflows in the right-hand panel of the Workflow Editor. When you select a workflow, you will see:

  • How many updates each trigger uses

  • The URL for the webhook POST request to be sent to

  • A button to copy, generate, reset, or delete a bearer token

  • The run history for that workflow

  • An error message if a step did not run successfully

Clicking on any of the specific items in the history list will open that entry and show details about the run. Clicking the curly brackets {} will display the data sent when the workflow ran.

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Updated more than a week ago
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