
Use buttons to trigger actions in your apps.

Buttons can be configured to trigger different Actions when your users tap or click on them.

The Button (or Button Block) component allows you to add one or more buttons in a horizontal or vertical layout.

Adding and Configuring the Button Component

  1. In the Layout Editor, select the tab you want to edit.

  2. Click on the plus (+) symbol in the Components panel and add the Button component.

  3. Select the Style for your button. You can choose Basic, Minimal, or Tiles.

  4. Select the Width of your button. Auto will adjust the button's width depending on the length of the label. Wide will give your button extra padding even if the label is short.

  5. Choosing Accent will add an accent to your button and button title. The Accent option is only available for Basic and Minimal styles.

  6. You can also select between Show and Hide for the label on your Button component.

Using Actions with Buttons

You can include multiple buttons by adding more actions to the component. Inside each action, Title fields act as each button's label.

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Updated more than a week ago
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