
Enter text, numbers, email addresses, or phone numbers.

Entry components can be use to allow users to add or edit data in your app. Depending on the type of entry component that you select, users will be limited to the type of data they are able to input.

Types of Entry Components

  • The Text Entry component allows users of your app to add or edit text.

  • The Number Entry component allows users of your app to add or edit a number value.

  • The Phone Entry component allows users to input a phone number in your app.

  • The Email Entry component allows users to enter email addresses in your app.

Setting up Entry Components

  1. In the Layout Editor of your app, select the tab you want to edit.

  2. Click on the plus (+) symbol in the Components panel.

  3. Select the Entry component you want to add.

  4. Choose the Data Source where your entries will be stored. Depending on the type of data you're collecting, you might require different column types.

  5. For the Text Entry component, you can also set a minimum and/or maximum length. Similarly, for the Number Entry component, you can set a minimum and/or maximum value.

If you're using an entry component within a Form Screen, you can designate a Default Value. This allows you to select and automatically fill the entry component with a value from the current screen.


In the General tab on the right side of the Layout Editor, locate the Design section. Select a Label and Placeholder for the component. These can be columns from your data source or Custom Values.

For the Text Entry component, you can also configure the size of the entry field, making it larger for times you'd like to capture multiple lines of text from users.


If you're using an Entry component within a form screen, you can make it required before the user can submit or save their changes.

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Updated more than a week ago
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