Audio to Text
With the Audio to Text feature, you can transcribe an audio recording into text. Audio files should be uploaded directly to Glide. You can do this with a File Picker Component, or by recording directly to your app with an Audio Component.
File types and size restrictions
Glide supports the following audio file types: mp3
, mp4
, mpeg
, mpga
, m4a
, wav
, and webm
File uploads are currently limited to 25 MB.
Open the table where you want to save the audio recording and its text transcript.
Add a new basic URL column by clicking the (+) plus symbol to the right of the table. This column will store the URL of the audio recording.
New columns added with the (+) plus symbol will always appear on the right. If you'd like to add a column somewhere else in your data, you can select the dropdown menu on an existing column and choose Add column right. You can also click and drag columns to rearrange them.
Add an Audio to Text column. Search for “Audio to Text” or navigate to AI → Audio to Text.
Select the URL column you created for the Audio URL field.
In the Layout Editor
If you have not yet set up the columns you'll need in the Data Editor, start with the steps above.
Add an Audio Recorder Component to the screen.
For the Save To field, use the URL column you created.
Add a Hint Component to the screen. For the Description field, use the Audio to Text column. This will display the transcript of the audio recording.
Optionally, add another Audio Component and point the Audio field to the Audio URL column you created. This will allow users to listen to the original audio recording.
In the Workflow Editor
If you have not yet set up the columns you'll need in the Data Editor, start with the steps above.
Select the (+) plus symbol or the + New Workflow button.
Select as the data source for the action the data source of the screen where the action is triggered.
Add Audio to Text as the first step of the workflow.
Configure the Audio to Text action: For the Audio URL field, select the URL column where your audio files will be stored. For the Text field, select the basic text column where the transcript will be stored.
Optionally, add a Show Notification action at the end of the custom action to notify the user.
Record audio and upload file components
Record Audio and Upload File are possible via dedicated components and are not actions in and of themselves. To use these features, add them as components in the Layout Editor. Because they are Components and not Actions, they cannot be used in Custom Actions.