The Text to Texts feature extracts text from a message and transforms it into an array of strings. For example:
Input: I’m making a cake. the ingredients are flour, sugar, butter, and eggs.
Output: flour,sugar,butter,eggs
The instructions can extract simple arrays like the example above, or more complicated sets of phrases and sentences. For example, you could upload an entire document and extract every question or every bullet point.
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Open the table where you want to use the Text to Texts column.
Add a new basic text column for the Input. The input can be any column that contains text, so if you’ve used another action or computed column to create a text result, you can also use that text result as the Input source.
New columns added with the plus button will always appear on the right. If you'd like to add a column somewhere else in your data, you can select the dropdown menu on an existing column and choose
Add column right. You can also click and drag columns to rearrange them.
Add a Text to Texts column to store the result. Search for “Text to Texts” or navigate to AI → Text to Texts.
For Instructions, enter custom text to create more specificity for your prompt.
For Input, use the Input column created previously.
Note: If the action is to be triggered in the Workflow Editor, then add a basic text Result column where the result will be stored.
Click on Done.
In the Layout Editor
If you have not yet set up the columns you'll need in the Data Editor, start with the steps above.
Add a component that supports actions such as Button, Hint, or Rich Text. Connect this component with the column where the output is stored.
In the configuration panel on the right, in the Actions menu, select the Text to Texts action.
Name the action and choose an icon.
For Instructions, choose the column where the instructions are stored, or enter custom text.
For Input, choose the column where the input text is stored, or enter custom text.
For Results, choose the column where the result should be stored.
In the Workflow Editor
If you have not yet set up the columns you'll need in the Data Editor, start with the steps above.
Select the (+) plus symbol or the + New Workflow button.
For data source, select the data source of the screen where the action is triggered.
Add Text to Texts as the first step of the workflow.
For Instructions, enter custom text to create more specificity for your prompt.
For the Input and Result fields, use the Input and Result columns created previously.
Optionally, add a Show Notification action at the end of the workflow to notify the user.