URL Columns in Glide can hold addresses for different locations on the internet. This can be either a webpage, link to an image, or link to a file.
Link to webpage
You can add URLs to external links, like pages on the web outside of your app, in a URL column and use the Open Link action on a component to send users to that page.
This can be used in a variety of ways, including:
Creating an online portfolio for writers
Adding links to resources or important news
Sharing an organization or company’s social media profiles
Link to image
You can add Images to your app that are hosted elsewhere by using a URL to the public image. These can be images from the public domain, or that you’ve purchased a license to use.
If you have images stored externally you’d like to use, we recommend hosting your images directly in Glide. However, if you do need to share an image stored in an external service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Imgur, you can do so by sharing a URL to your public image in the URL column.
Image links must begin with https:// and not http:// because, in many instances, your phone will block http:// URLs.
These URLs can be used in different components by choosing the URL column value when displaying an image.
Link to a file
Just like with images, you can add files that are hosted elsewhere to your app using a shareable URL to the file. You can use the Open Link action to enable users to access the file at its original location.