
Display items on a calendar based on a specified date and time.

The Calendar component is a special type of Collection Component that allows you to display items on a calendar based on a specified date and time. You can use this component to display events, appointments, deadlines, and more on a calendar.

Setting Up Calendar Collections

To set up your Calendar Collection:

  1. In the Layout Editor of your app, hit the plus (+) symbol to add a new component.

  2. Find Collections in the menu and select Calendar.

  3. Choose the Data Source where your calendar items are stored.

  4. You can also give your calendar a new Title if you want.

Configuring Calendar Collections

Calendar Collections are specifically designed for items that have a date, such as events, appointments, projects with deadlines, and more. You can set the Items Data for each item:

  • Title: The name of the item you want to display.

  • Start Time: The date and time you want the item to be displayed on. This should be a Date & Time column.

  • End Time: An optional end date and time. If no End Date is specified, Glide will display your event as being 30 minutes long. This should be a Date & Time column.

After mapping the data, you can configure how the Calendar should Display:

  • Title Style: The style of the top of your calendar. Choose Simple or Bold to use your apps Accent Color.

  • Default Mode: The default view of your calendar (Month, Week, or Day)

  • Default Date: The date the calendar should start on. You can choose Today, the Earliest or Latest date in your list, or any other another specific date.

Adding Actions to your Calendar Collections

You can set up specific Actions for your calendar. This will control how users can interact with the data.

Default Actions

  • In the Actions tab, enable the actions you want to allow users to take.

    • Allow users to add items

    • Allow users to edit items

  • Click on the Add Condition button under the respective actions to create your conditions, if desired.

If Allow users to edit items is enabled, users can click on the calendar to create an event and drag calendar events to adjust the start and end times.

Advanced Actions

Advanced actions allow you to specify what happens when users click on your event and add your own actions as buttons in the title bar.

  • In the Actions tab, locate the Advanced Actions section.

  • Click on the Enable advanced actions button.

  • In the Inline Actions section, enable the actions you want to allow users to take.

    • Allow adding events

    • Allow changing the time of events

  • Click on the Add Condition button under the respective actions to create your conditions, if desired.

  • In the Title Bar Action section, click on Add primary action to add a new action to the title bar.

  • In the Item Click section, specify an action to take when a user clicks on an item in the board.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Updated more than a week ago
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