Getting Started with the Glide API

A guide to working with the Glide Tables Basic API.

Introduction to APIs

Learn the fundamentals of APIs.

Who has access to Glide API?

Glide API is available for Team, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Connecting to your Glide Tables via the API lets you automate your data management and integrate it with your own applications. With the API you can:

  1. Add row to table

  2. Set columns in row

  3. Delete row

If you have the Business or Enterprise plan, you also have access to get all rows, get row, and query Big Tables with SQL. Need to upgrade? Click here to see all our plans.

How do I access Glide API?

To get started:

  • Open the Data Editor.

  • At the bottom of any Glide Table, click Show API.

  • You can also go to the right-click on the table icon and select show API.

    Show the API instructions screen.

When working with the API, you will pass a unique API Key, sometimes labeled a Bearer Token. It's a long sequence of random numbers and letters that looks like this: 2F2733E2-2B70-4291-8250-633B9E8F16AF Treat this as a password—it's a secret that you shouldn't share.

The API Instructions screen displays the calls to use to take the available actions.

Available API calls for tables. Example calls are given for JavaScript, Python and Bash (curl).

Learn Glide Tables API

Want to see the API in action? Explore the resources below.

Article: Using Glide Tables API

Video: How to Use the Glide Tables API (Getting Started in 2022)

Have a question about Getting Started with the Glide API? Ask the Glide community.
Need more help? Hire an Expert.

Updated more than a week ago
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