The Import feature allows you to upload data files saved on your computer into Glide apps. The supported file formats include:
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx)
Comma-separated values file (.csv)
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods)
Data files can be imported into both Glide Tables and Glide Big Tables.
You can upload these files three ways—while setting up a new app, by adding a new data source in the Data Editor, and importing data into an existing Glide Table.
Creating a New App
From the dashboard, select New app.
Click on Import File and select Continue.
Select Choose a file and select a file to upload.
Select Continue.
Adding a New Data Source
From the Data Editor, click on the plus (+) sign next to Tables and select Excel or CSV under Import File.
In the pop-up, click the arrow and select a file to upload or drag and drop a file to the same location.
Importing to an Existing Glide Table
From the Data Editor, select the exist table you want to import data into.
There are two ways to import data into the table:
Right click on the table and select Import.
At the bottom left of the table view, select the Import button.
In the pop-up, click the arrow and select a file to upload or drag and drop a file to the same location.
The sheets in your file are added as individual tables in the Data Editor. Since the original file is saved on your computer, any changes you make there will not affect the table in Glide and vice versa.
When the imported file includes columns that aren’t found in the current table, new columns are added to the end of the table.