Classic Apps

Legacy Classic Apps in Glide

As of March 2023, our flagship product, previously referred to as Glide Pages, is now called Apps, becoming our officially supported and recommended product. Legacy mobile apps are now called Classic Apps, and can no longer be created. Existing Classic Apps will continue to function but do not receive updates from our product team.

Classic Apps no longer supported

At this time, Glide is limiting customer support only to critical issues that are affecting all customers. If you need support with your app, please reach out to our community.


Glide Pages launched late 2021 as a large-screen companion to Glide Apps. What we initially meant as two complementary products came into conflict as we noticed users struggle to choose one over the other. A year later, we decided to evolve Glide toward one unified solution for building beautiful, powerful, adaptive apps that work across any device or screen size.

Differences between Apps and Classic Apps

New Glide apps are adaptive, meaning they automatically detect and optimize for the device and screen size of the end user. Glide's latest most powerful features are exclusively available in Apps, such as:

  • Big Tables: scale your data up to 10M rows.

  • Actions: enhanced features that allow copying, reusing, and displaying all actions in a single view.

  • Integrations: connect to your favorite tools to build powerful workflows.

Migrating from Classic Apps to Apps

To migrate from a Classic App to an App, we recommend using Glide’s Classic App migration tool. After migration, a copy of your Classic App will be created as a New Glide app.

Features in Classic Apps that Cannot be Automatically Migrated

Some features in your Classic Apps will not be migrated.

  • Layout features

    • Swipe Screen (No longer supported)

    • Shopping Cart tab and Buy buttons (No longer supported)

    • Chat tab and comments (This can be recreated with Chat or Comments components)

    • Independent screen configuration (All detail screens will have the same component configuration)

    • Floating button (No longer supported)

  • Charts

    • Stack chart (This will be converted to a bar chart)

  • Actions

    • Event picker (This can be recreated with a Choice component or Calendar collection)

    • Reaction components (This can be recreated with a Choice component)

Classic App Migration Tool Walkthrough

The migration tool will create a new Glide app. Your new app will have access to all the latest features, such as integrations and workflows. Some components may experience subtle formatting and design changes. The existing Classic App will not be affected. The migration may take a few minutes to complete.

Shared data between Classic App and new App

Your New Glide app will link to the same tables as your Classic App including computed columns and user-specific columns. Note that changing data in your new Glide app will change the data in your Classic App.

  1. Open the Glide Dashboard and locate the Classic App.

  2. Select the three dots in the upper right corner of the App icon.

  3. Select Duplicate as New Glide App.

  4. Read the popup and select Proceed if you are ready to copy the app.

    • If there are components in your app that cannot be migrated, you will see a message listing those components.

  5. When the migration is finished processing, there will be a new app in the dashboard called [Classic App Name] (new). This app may not be in the same folder as your existing Classic App.

Share Migration Feedback

We would love to hear your feedback! After migration please use the Feedback button on the upper right of the Glide builder to let the team know how the migration process went for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about Classic Apps? Ask the Glide community.
Need more help? Hire an Expert.

Updated more than a week ago
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