Experts Program

A dedicated program for freelancers and agencies.

The Glide Experts program is a dedicated program for freelancers and agencies who are building solutions for their clients on Glide. It provides exclusive benefits intended to help Experts grow their businesses and reach new levels professionally.

How to Join

You can join the Experts Program by going to your profile > account settings > and then clicking “Join the Experts Program”.

Once you have joined the Experts Program and completed your PartnerStack setup, any of your clients’ teams you join will automatically be included in your revenue share.

Experts Program Levels

The Experts Program has two ranks:

Glide Community Experts 

This is the first level of the program and given automatically when you join.

Glide Certified Experts

Experts with a higher level of experience and a solid client base can become Certified Experts and access further benefits. To become a Certified Expert, you must: 

  • Be a member of three paid teams and pass the highest available level of Glide Certification (currently Level 3)


Experts Program Benefits by Level


Glide Community Expert

Glide Certified Expert

Revenue Share

20% for 12 months

20% for 24 months

Community Access

Glide Forum

Experts Only Slack

Experts Hub



Early Product Access

Product Previews

Product Alphas

Agency Plan

1 Plan Per Expert

Marketing Opportunities

Experts Spotlight


Certified Expert Badge

Experts Directory

Profile Listing Eligibility

Account Manager

Direct Account Manager

Creators Program

Eligible to Join

Revenue Sharing

Glide Experts can earn revenue sharing when clients join Glide and upgrade to a paid plan using a special link and also automatically when you join their existing team.

Join PartnerStack to access revenue sharing

Once you join the Experts program, you will be directed to PartnerStack. If you do not already have an account you will need to sign in and complete your profile. Once completed you will have access to your referral link and can provide that URL to your clients. Every client that signs up using your link will appear in your PartnerStack dashboard. 

Glide Certification & Levels

Glide offers multiple levels of certifications that Experts can pass. You can use it to elevate your craft, obtain certification badges, and showcase your skills. 

Experts Program Resources

Experts Hub

The Experts Hub is where you can see all your clients in one place, access pending payouts from PartnerStack, and get important announcements from Glide.

Product Previews & Alphas

When Glide launches new products such as SQL, Glide AI, and Open API, Experts are the first in line to try our new products.

Experts Spotlight

We love to feature our Experts on our social channels and highlight what you are doing for your clients on Glide.

Certified Expert Badge

The community forum is always buzzing with activity. Once you reach the Glide Certified Expert rank, make sure you join the Certified Group to display your fancy badge! 

Experts Slack

You can join the private Slack channel just for Experts when you reach the Glide Certified Experts rank. You will receive an email with the invitation link, and it will also be linked in your profile in the Experts Hub.

Glide Community

The community forum is always buzzing with activity. Once you reach the Glide Certified Expert rank, make sure you join the Certified Group so your new badge is displayed in the forum.

Experts Directory

The Experts Directory is a database that potential clients can use to find freelancers or agencies to help them build tools on Glide. You are eligible to create a profile and become searchable when you achieve the Glide Certified Expert rank. 

Agency Plan

Certified experts are eligible to purchase the Agency plan.

Account Manager

Certified experts get a direct account manager that offers guidance for maximizing revenue sharing with Glide, making the most of Glide resources and incentives, and provisioning client plans.

Glide Creators Program

Being a Glide Certified Expert grants eligibility to join other Experts focused on growing their business through social media. Expect early access to marketing materials around feature launches to maximize your reach and grow your audience.

Have a question about Experts Program? Ask the Glide community.
Need more help? Hire an Expert.

Updated more than a week ago
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