Image Editor

Optimize the images in your apps.

The Image Editor integration provides image editing tools in Glide.

Paid Plan Required

A paid plan is required to use this feature. Check out our pricing to find the right plan for you.

Adding the Integration

To start using the Image Editor integration, you first need to add it to your project.

  1. In Glide, click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner.

  2. Navigate to the Integrations tab and then select Image Editor.

  3. Click the Add to app button

Using the Optimize Image Action

The Optimize Image action will download the image from its source URL and optimize it for storage directly in Glide. The action will change the width to a dimension you specify in pixels and format the file to jpeg. To use the feature:

  1. In the Data Editor, create a column to store your image URLs if you don’t have one already.

  2. Create a column to store the new, optimized images.

  3. In the Layout Editor, select the component you'd like to add the action to. Remember, this must be a component that supports actions.

  4. Search for the Optimize Image action or navigate to Integrations -> Image Editor -> Optimize Image.

  5. Name the action.

  6. Choose an icon.

  7. Specify what column will be the source of image URLs, or enter a URL manually as a custom value.

    • Note that image URLs must be 255 characters or less.

  8. Input the max width in pixels.

  9. Select which column should store the optimized image URLs.

To learn more generally about Integrations in Glide, including how they affect your app’s usage, check out our Introduction to Integrations.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Updated more than a week ago
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