Microsoft Outlook

Send emails and add calendar events with Microsoft Outlook

Outlook is an email client and calendar tool that is part of the Microsoft Office and Microsoft 365 product suites. If Microsoft Outlook is a critical part of your workflow, it can be helpful to configure Glide to send emails from your Outlook account or add events to your Outlook calendar.

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Adding and Configuring the Action

  1. In Glide, click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner.

  2. Click the Integrations tab and then select Outlook.

  3. Click the Add button.

  4. Sign into your Microsoft account.

  5. Once Glide has access to your Microsoft account, you will be able to send emails and add calendar events with Microsoft Outlook.


Send Email with Outlook

The Send Email with Outlook action allows you to send an email from your own Outlook account. You can add formatting to the body of the email with HTML.

The action can be added to a Component that supports Actions (e.g., a Button component), added to a workflow in the Workflow Editor, or after a Form is submitted.

To create dynamic emails, it's best to make sure your data table is set up before you start configuring your action. The data for the fields To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, and Body, therefore, needs to be available in one of the following:

  • the table shared by the screen and action

  • the User Profile table

  • Special values that are the current date/time, unique identifier, user’s email address, or link to the current screen

Columns such as text, template, or single value are well suited to generate the subject line and body of the email. If the Body field points to an image column, the email received will display the URL of the location of the image.

  • Recipient fields (To, Cc, Bcc): create columns that will house email addresses. These could be basic text, a joined list, a split text, or array columns.

  • Subject line: a text or template column.

  • Body: a text or template column.

To add multiple attendees, attendees' emails should be configured as an array. Learn more about Array Columns here.

  1. Select the component you'd like to add the action to. Remember, this must be a component that supports actions.

  2. Search for the Send email action or navigate to Integrations -> Microsoft Outlook -> Send email.

  3. Name the action.

  4. Choose an icon.

  5. Select a column to source the To field or input custom values manually.

    • optionally, add recipients to cc and/or bcc.

  6. Select a column to source the Subject field or input a custom value manually.

  7. Select a column to source the Body field or input a custom value manually.

    • If you'd like, you can use HTML to create a more visual email body.

  8. Click away to exit the configuration.

Add calendar event

The Add calendar event action allows you to add an event to your Outlook calendar. If you don't specify a calendar ID, Glide will create the event on your primary calendar.

The action can be added to a Component that supports Actions (e.g., a Button component), added to a workflow in the Workflow Editor, or after a Form is submitted.

You can create a dynamic event by first creating a Template column in the Data Editor and then setting that column as one of your action’s fields.

You can add multiple attendees by separating each with a comma and a space. For example:,

  1. Select the component you'd like to add the action to. Remember, this must be a component that supports actions.

  2. Search for the Add calendar event action or navigate to Integrations -> Microsoft Outlook -> Add calendar event.

  3. Name the action.

  4. Choose an icon.

  5. Choose which column will provide the Event title field, or enter custom text.

  6. Choose which column will provide the Start date field, or enter custom text.

  7. Choose which column will provide the Duration field, or enter custom text.

  8. Optionally, you can choose columns or enter custom values for the event description, location, and attendees.

  9. Your primary calendar will be used for the new event. If you'd like to override this, specify a different Calendar ID.

PIN Emails from Microsoft

In App Settings, you can enable sending PIN emails through a Microsoft account instead of through Glide's default email service. To enable this, you must first set up the Microsoft Outlook integration in the app.

  1. Open the app you want to add Outlook PINs to.

  2. Go to the App Settings.

  3. In Access, find Pin emails from Microsoft and select Connect.

  4. On the Microsoft Outlook configuration screen, select Add to app.

  5. A new tab or window will open with the Microsoft authentication screen. Choose which account to connect with Glide.

  6. Select Continue.

  7. In Glide, go back to the Users & Authentication settings.

  8. Enable the Pin emails from Microsoft toggle.

To learn more generally about Integrations in Glide, including how they affect your app’s usage, check out our Introduction to Integrations.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Updated more than a week ago
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