The Open Address on Map action allows users to open an address in their default map application on a mobile device, and in their default browser on a desktop device.

The Open Address on Map action can be used as an action in the components of your app (like Buttons, Collections, and much more), or it can be triggered along with other actions as part of a Workflow.
Setting up the Open Address on Map Action
In the Layout Editor
Click on the plus (+) sign in the Components panel and select the Component you want to trigger the action.
In the General tab on the right side of the Layout Editor, navigate to the Actions section and select Open address on map.
Select the icon and descriptive text to use in your app.
In the Address field, select the address you want to user to visit. You can select a column in your data that has the address or manually enter an address. You can also use the latitude and longitude instead of a street address.
You can optionally add Conditions for certain criteria to be met before a user can trigger this action.
In the Workflow Editor
Select the + New Workflow button. If you have existing actions, click on the plus (+) sign in the left panel.
Select the data source for your action.
Configure your first action by clicking the first step in the workflow. You can also add conditions to your actions, if needed.
To add new actions to the flow, hover just underneath an action and click the plus button. In this way you can add the Show Address on Map action as just one step in a larger workflow.
Check the Introduction to Actions page for a full list of components that can be used to trigger actions.